30th August, 16:30 – Villa Nani Loredan, Sant’Urbano (PD)>>
22nd August, 21:15 – Villa Poli de Pol, San Pietro di Cadore (BL)>>
20th august, 21:00 – Villa Cornoldi ora Fanan, Fratta di Polesine (RO)>>
28th July, 21.00 – Villa Da Porto, Montorso Vicentino (VI)>>
22nd July, 18.00 – Castello di Montebello, Montebello Vicentino (VI)>>
19th July, 21.00 – Villa Mosconi Brentani, Arbizzano di Negrar (VR)>>
18 July, 21.00 – Villa Bassani, Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) >>
12th July, 21.30 – castello di Duino, Duino Aurisina (TS)>>
12th july, 16.30 – Villa Farsetti, Santa Maria di Sala (VE)>>
12th July, 10.30 – Az. Vitivinicola Roberto S.A., Gambellara (VI)>>
The night-opening of Villa Venier Contarini planned for the 11th July has been cancelled tue to the recent calamity that damaged Mira>>
10th July, 21.15 – Villa Cappello, Galliera Veneta (PD)>>