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"Travel among the Villas in the lands of Serenissima". A tribute to Silvio Negro

Monday 14th April, 20.30. Parish Hall "Due Leoni" - Chiampo (VI)>>


Gitando All 2014

3rd - 6th April 2014 - Vicenza>>


Mira: weekends open to the public in Villa Venier. Scholastic tourism during the week

From April, over the spring and the autumn, Villa Venier in Mira (Venice), operative office of the Regional Institute of Venetian Villas (IRVV), is open to the public during the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instead...>>


Exhibition of Restoration 2014

26th - 29th March 2014 - Ferrara>>