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Regional Institute of Venetian Villas at "Salone internazionale del libro 2014" in Torino

Friday 9th May 2014, 11.00 - "Salone internazionale del libro 2014" in Torino >>


Meeting "The rose in the gardens of the Venetian Villas"

Thursday 1st May 2014, Villa Venier Contarini - Mira (VE)>>


"Travel among the Villas in the lands of Serenissima". A tribute to Silvio Negro

Monday 14th April, 20.30. Parish Hall "Due Leoni" - Chiampo (VI)>>


Gitando All 2014

3rd - 6th April 2014 - Vicenza>>


Exhibition of Restoration 2014

26th - 29th March 2014 - Ferrara>>


Palladio and the villa's landscape. Actuality of a cultural project, between protection and development

Saturday 22nd March 2014, 10.30 - Villa Badoer, Fratta Polesine (RO).>>


Economy and Venetian Villa in the lands of the Serenissima

Monday 17th March 2014, 20.30 - Civic Hall "G. Fontana", Chiampo (VI)>>


Forum "Ville, Castelli, Giardini, Dimore"

Friday 14th March, 10.00 - "Barchessa" of Castelvecchio, Sagrado (GO)>>


Food, wine and culture in the service of tourism

Friday 14th March 2014, 17.30 - Villa Barbaro, Maser (TV)>>


The economic value and the enhacement of the cultural heritage. The role of local.

Friday 7th March 2014, 17.30 - Villa Venier, Mira (VE)>>


CARNEVILLA 2014 - Sunday 2nd March 2014, 16.30 and 17.00

Theatrical play with "La Piccionaia I Carrara" - Villa Venier, Mira (VE)>>


CARNEVILLA 2014 - Saturday 1st March 2014, 16.30 and 17.00

Theatrical play with "La Piccionaia I Carrara" - Villa Poiana, Vicenza (VI)>>


Palladio and private client. Actuality of a strategic project, between public and private.

Saturday 1st March 2014, 10.30 - Villa Emo, Fanzolo di Vedelago (TV)>>


Contexts of villa and territory development. From Garda to Valpolicella: experiences of possible coexistence.

Friday 28th february, 18.00 - Accademy of Agriculture, Sciences and Letters, Verona (VR)>>


Palladio's villas and the garden of Venice. A journey through the places of culture

Saturday, 22nd february 2014, 10.30 - Villa Cordellina Lombardi, Montecchio Maggiore (VI)>>


Venetian Villas and historical houses in Piove di Sacco

Thursday 20th february 2014, 21.00 - Auditorium Giovanni Paolo II in Ortazzi Road, Piove di Sacco (PD)>>



Saturday 1st March, 16.30 and 17.00 - Sunday 2nd March, 16.30 and 17.00 - Tuesday 4th March, 16.30>>


CARNEVILLA 2014 - Saturday 15th february 2014, 16.30

Itinerant show with Ubik Theatre - Villa Venier, Mira (VE)>>


Palladio and the civilization of villas. Towards a new renaissance.

Saturday 15th february 2014, 10.30 - Villa Godi Malinverni, Lugo di Vicenza (VI)>>